Robert D Atkinson
President, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation; Member, Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age
Richard J Wilhelm
Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
Morton H Halperin
International Security
Richard Falkenrath
Former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, The White House
Daniel Prieto
Former Professional Staff Member, Homeland Security Committee, House of Representatives
Sidney D Drell
Emeritus Professor, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Mary B DeRosa
Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs; Legal Advisor to the National Security Counsel
John O Marsh Jr
Professor, George Mason University School of Law; Former Secretary of the United States Army; Former Member of Congress, State of Virginia; Member, Markle Task Force on National Security in the Inform
Gilman Louie
CEO of In-Q-Tel; Partner at Alsop Louie Partners; founder of Spectrum Holobyte