AOL Time Warner Inc Cmte to Connect & Inform (F/K/A Time Warner Inc Political Action Cmte
Richard J Bressler
Herman Cain
James M Kilts
A Critical Choice for America Political Action Committee
James M Kilts
Pat Toomey
James M Kilts, Alexander Navab
Tom Daschle
Robert C Pozen, Richard J Bressler, James A Attwood
Kent Conrad
Robert C Pozen, James A Attwood
Friends of Jeanne Shaheen
Robert C Pozen
Jeanne Shaheen
Robert C Pozen
Lisa Murkowski
Alexander Navab
Mark Steven Kirk
Scott A Schoen, Michael S Chae
Kitchen Table Conversations Pac
Robert C Pozen
Mike Crapo
Michael S Chae, Alexander Navab
Ted Kennedy
Robert C Pozen, Scott A Schoen
Adam Schiff
Robert C Pozen
Ohio's Future PAC
Karen M Hoguet
Free and Strong America PAC Inc.
Michael S Chae
Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac)
James M Kilts
America Works PAC
Robert C Pozen
Commonwealth PAC, the
Scott A Schoen
Follow the North Star Fund
Robert C Pozen