Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
24 contributions · 469,266 USD ('92→Jul 25 '16)
Congressional Leadership Fund
C00504530 Republican super PAC Washington DC ≥2011
3 contributions · 250,000 USD (Dec 5 '19→Oct 20 '20)
Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
SuperPAC aiming to build Republican majority in the US Senate
2 contributions · 150,000 USD (Sep 27 '16→Oct 20 '16)
Michigan Republican Party
Michigan Republican Party
18 contributions · 113,018 USD ('90→Jun 13 '16)
New Republican PAC
FL Gov Rick Scott's PAC
1 contribution · 100,000 USD (Jan 31 '14)
American Crossroads
Super PAC that raises funds from donors to advocate for certain candidates of the Republican Party.
2 contributions · 100,000 USD (Oct 6 '15→Jun 10 '16)
National Republican Congressional Committee
10 contributions · 99,500 USD ('02→Sep 30 '16)
Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
6 contributions · 77,500 USD (Oct 28 '15→Sep 30 '16)
Dan Sullivan
US Senator; Former Alaska Natural Resources Commissioner
2 contributions · 71,000 USD (Sep 30 '19→Jun 25 '20)
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Campaign committee for Republican U.S. Senate candidates
2 contributions · 71,000 USD (Sep 30 '19→Jun 25 '20)