Business Positions
Peck Madigan Jones
Lobbying firm
Board Memberships
501(c)(4) "Developing Exceptional American Leaders"
In the office of
Melissa L Bean
former US Representative from Illinois
Government Positions
Iris Y Martinez
State Senator 20th Senate District
Working to Elect Democrats to the United States Congress
Daniel Joseph Seals
Three time congressional candidate from Illinois
Tammy Duckworth
Democratic US Senator from IL; former US Representative
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
Online donation processor
Melissa L Bean
former US Representative from Illinois
Joe Crowley
Lobbyist, former Congressperson (D-NY 14)
Services & Transactions
Business Roundtable
Conservative-leaning pro-business policy group of leading chief executives
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
Industry group representing banks in the market for OTC derivatives
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Largest business lobbying group in the USA