Business Positions
McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC
Public affairs firm
McGuireWoods LLP
Major US law firm
Tom Carper
US Senator from Delaware (2001-present); former US Rep from Delaware (1983-1993)
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Mark Warner
US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia
Bill Nelson
Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida
Bobby Scott
US Representative from Virginia
Tim Kaine
Virginia US Senator (2013-present); former Virginia governor; 2016 Clinton VP running mate
Jim Clyburn
US Representative from South Carolina (D-SC 6)
Wesley Clark
Retired 4 Star General; 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate
Elliot S Schewel
Former Virginia State Senator, part owner of Schewel Furniture Company
William H Edington
Founder, Edington, Peel & Associates
William J Armfield IV
Spotswood Capital LLC
Geoffrey Bible
Altria Group CEO
Mark Warner
US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia
Stu Van Scoyoc
Lobbyist, Van Scoyoc Associates
Jeffery S Trinca
Lobbyist and former tax counsel to David Pryor
Joseph L Lanier Jr
Retired textile executive, Dan River Incorporated
Al Dwoskin
Real Estate developer, Fairfax Virginia
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party
Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
Virginia Military Institute
public military college