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Watt aide was “Friend of Angelo”


A key former aide to the North Carolina Democrat threatening popular legislation to audit the Fed once received a sweetheart Countrywide loan designed to influence predatory lending legislation introduced by


Geithner’s backdoor bailout


A new report from the TARP inspector general details how Tim Geithner dropped the ball in negotiations with AIG counterparties after the insurance giant’s collapse. As New York Fed president,


The Coal Fourteen


Fourteen Democratic Senators stood up for coal yesterday, notes the Wonk Room’s Brad Johnson: In a letter to Senate leaders, a bloc of senators with powerful coal interests in their


Deregulation was so much more fun!


Senator Dodd chose an interesting time to release his financial reform bill. Ten years ago this week, Republicans and Democrats joined hands to gut the Depression-era banking reforms known as


AARP, AMA endorse health bill


President Obama snatched up endorsements of the health bill by AARP and AMA and will visit the Capitol today to make one last push to lawmakers. (WSJ) Fourteen people are
