State Department Mexico Energy Reform Web

August 06, 2015
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As laid out in an August 7 article on DeSmog US, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's State Department played a behind-the-scenes but central role in ushering in constitutional reforms in Mexico that opened up the country to international oil and gas companies. It is a policy set to open up the country to more deepwater offshore drilling on the Mexico-side of the Gulf of Mexico, fracking on the Mexico-side of the Eagle Ford Shale and help flood the country's energy grid with US fracked gas.

The article also explains that those who made the policy possible — particular a trio of David Goldwyn, Neil Brown and Carlos Pascual — passed through the revolving door and now they or the entities they work for profit from those same policies. 

David Goldwyn and Hillary Clinton are also featured in another LittleSis oligrapher titled, "How Hillary Clinton and David Goldwyn sold fracking." Wikileaks cables, central to telling that other story, also played a role in the Mexico one as did emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the latter.

Read the whole article on DeSmog, which has an embedded version of this oligrapher with in it.