HRC complex corporate ties

February 20, 2015
LobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingLobbyingFirst LadySecretary of StateChief Research OfficerDirectorUnder Secretary Director HierarchyCo-founderProvided free equipment worth $130 millionDonated $16.8 million since 2007DonationDonationAttended meetingRequested State Dept presence at meeting in ChinaLobbied for GE to build power plantscontributed between $500,000 and $1 million to health-initiative partnershipContracted to build power plantsPromoted US-Poland fracking cooperation Lobbied again fracking moratorium Held shale interests. Now abandoned.Held shale interests. Now abandoned.Held shale interests. Now abandoned.Donated $250,000 in 2013Donated $2,000,000 since 2009Key political allyLobbied against India's ban on multi-brand retail stores (such as WalMart)WalmartExxonMobilChevronCorporationGeneral ElectricCompanyMicrosoftCorporationHillary ClintonDepartment ofStateWhite HouseClinton FoundationClinton GlobalInitiativeRobert D HormatsCraig J MundieManmohan SinghVital VoicesAlgerianGovernmentPiracy and InternetFreedom meeting in ChinaPolandBulgariaMamata Banerjee

Of the 425 large corporate donors to the Clinton Foundation, the Wall Street Journal found 60 of those donors lobbied the State Department during Hillary Clinton's tenure.