Leonard Litwin: The Cuomo-Silver Connection

February 06, 2015
Chairman emeritusCEOOwnership$2 million since 2011Nearly $700,000 in referral feesHierarchyHierarchyHierarchyHierarchyHierarchyClientClientClientClientClientChief of staffUnknown position$260 million low-interest loanFormer chairman$1 million through LLCs in 2014Appointed to chair NYSHFAAndrew CuomoSheldon SilverGlenwoodManagement CorpWilliam J MulrowReal Estate Boardof New YorkLeonard LitwinColumbus 60thRealty LLCEast 81st RealtyLLCRiver York BarclayLLCGoldberg & Iryami,P.C.Briar Hill Realty,LLCEast 46th RealtyLLCNew York StateHousing FinanceAgency

Based on David Sirota and Matthew Cunningham-Cook's IBT article "Cuomo Official Directed State Loan To Cuomo Donor at Center of Corruption Probe".