Op-ed writers tied to the Competitive Enterprise Institute

May 23, 2016
LobbyistTransactionDirectorCo-founderbrotherFounderTrusteeDonationMembershipPartnerDonationGrantassociate memberassociate memberDonationExecutive Vice PresidentPresidentCEOFamilyattorneyadjunct scholarsenior legal analyst, Center for Legal and Judicial StudiesPositionAssistant Editorial Director and Technology Analyst Board Member and Adjunct ScholarScience CorrespondentAssociate Editor Adjunct ScholarAdjunct AnalystGeneral Counselpresident and CEOPositionMember, President's Advisory Counciladvisor to the Task Force on Telecommunications & Information TechnologyLawyerLawyerSupports the magazine$865,000 donationworked on "deregulatory initiatives”ExxonMobilDavid KochSolutionsConsultingWilliam O'KeefeBaker & HostetlerLLPDavid B Rivkin JrGeorge H W BushHeritageFoundationCato InstituteFreedomWorksAmerican PetroleumInstituteCharles G. KochCharles G. KochCharitableFoundationReason FoundationCompetitiveEnterpriseInstituteGeorge C. MarshallInstituteState PolicyNetworkAmericanLegislativeExchange CouncilMegan McArdlePeter SudermanAndrew M GrossmanRonald BaileyReason MagazineSam KazmanKent Lassman

Sam Kazman and Kent Lassman

Kent Lassman is the president and CEO of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Lassman has worked for numerous right wing institutions including the Koch-backed FreedomWorks and FreedomWorks spinoff Citizens for a Sound Economy. From 2003 to 2008 he served on the President’s Advisory Council for the State Policy Network. He served as an advisor for the American Legislative Exchange Council from 2001 to 2006.

Sam Kazman is general counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.