former National Security Advisor | Director, Raytheon
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Stephen J Hadley
PersonCommon Orgs
Condoleezza Rice US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council, White House Iraq Group, RiceHadleyGates LLC
Franklin Miller US Department of Defense, National Security Council, Atlantic Council, The Scowcroft Group
Brent Scowcroft National Security Council, Atlantic Council, Tower Commission, The Scowcroft Group
Roger Cressey US Department of Defense, US Department of State, National Security Council
Stuart E Eizenstat US Department of State, APCO Worldwide, Atlantic Council
Robert D Hormats US Department of State, National Security Council, Atlantic Council
Reuben Jeffery III US Department of State, National Security Council, Atlantic Council
Jim Woolsey National Security Council, Atlantic Council, Shea & Gardner
Robert Gates US Department of Defense, Atlantic Council, RiceHadleyGates LLC
Colin L Powell US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Robert Kimmitt US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
James L Jones National Security Council, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Carlos Pascual US Department of State, National Security Council, Atlantic Council
Joseph S Nye Jr US Department of Defense, US Department of State, Atlantic Council
Peter Bass US Department of State, White House Office, Atlantic Council
Matthew Waxman US Department of Defense, US Department of State, National Security Council
John D Negroponte US Department of State, National Security Council, White House Office
Donald H Rumsfeld US Department of Defense, US Department of State, White House Office
Tony Blinken US Department of State, National Security Council, White House Office
Scooter Libby US Department of State, White House Office, White House Iraq Group