Public face of the movie and television production industry for 38 years
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Jack Valenti also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Thomas Boggs Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, John Conyers Jr, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Nicholas V Lampson, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Richard Green Lugar, Ed Markey, George Miller, Jerry Nadler, Bill Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Brad Sherman, Arlen Specter, Mike Thompson, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Charles Spittal Robb, Thomas Michael Foglietta, Wendell Hampton Ford, Bill Richardson, John Wiley Bryant, Sam Melville Gibbons, Bob Packwood, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dan Glickman, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, George John Mitchell, Allan Byron Swift, Brockman Adams, Tom Downey, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, AMERIPAC, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, PAC to the Future, Bill Luther, Arizona State Democratic Central Executive Committee, Bart Gordon, Green Mountain PAC, Max Baucus, John Bennett Johnston III, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, Robert Krueger, Zoe Lofgren, Bill Alexander, David L Boren
Tony Podesta Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, William D Delahunt, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Eliot Engel, Sam Farr, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, George Miller, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Brad Sherman, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, Ed Towns, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Paul Wellstone, Bill Richardson, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Richard Swett, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, PAC to the Future, ORRINPAC, PAC for a Change, Arizona State Democratic Central Executive Committee, Patrick Raymond Casey, Bart Gordon, Green Mountain PAC, Max Baucus, Bob Carr, Marty Russo, Zoe Lofgren, Philip Michael Schiliro
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Wayne Allard, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Mike Honda, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, George Miller, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Brad Sherman, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Mike Thompson, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Don Nickles, Paul Wellstone, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Wendell Hampton Ford, John Glenn, Michael J Kopetski, George John Mitchell, Richard Swett, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, PAC to the Future, PAC for a Change, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Max Baucus, Zoe Lofgren
Norm Brownstein Don Riegle, Bob Kerrey, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Nelson, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, Ed Towns, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Don Nickles, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, John Wiley Bryant, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Richard Swett, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), Max Baucus, John Bennett Johnston III, Mike Synar, Robert Krueger, Philip Michael Schiliro, Jim Exon
Daniel C Tate Jr Victor H Fazio, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Mike Honda, Daniel Ken Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, George Miller, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Jim Sensenbrenner, Hilda Solis, Arlen Specter, John S Tanner, Ed Towns, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Henry John Hyde, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Constance A Morella, Charles Spittal Robb, Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, George John Mitchell, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, National Leadership PAC, AMERIPAC, Patrick Raymond Casey, Building Our Bases (Bobs) PAC, Bart Gordon, Will Pryor, Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Robert Krueger, Jim Exon
James C Free Victor H Fazio, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Eliot Engel, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Bob Goodlatte, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Ed Markey, George Miller, Bill Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, John S Tanner, Mike Thompson, Ed Towns, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Mark A Foley, William H Frist, Rob Portman, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Sonny Bono, Bill Richardson, Sam Melville Gibbons, James Henry Quillen, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, National Leadership PAC, ORRINPAC, Bill Luther, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Patrick Raymond Casey, Bart Gordon, Green Mountain PAC, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Jim Moody, Zoe Lofgren, Philip Michael Schiliro
Melvin A Dow Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Peter S Wareing, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Sam Brownback, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Judd Alan Gregg, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nicholas V Lampson, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Richard Green Lugar, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Jim Sensenbrenner, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Don Nickles, Dick Armey, Paul Wellstone, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Craig Anthony Washington, Bill Clinton, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, Lone Star Fund, Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Robert Krueger, Bill Alexander, John W. Warner III
Roselyne Chroman Swig Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jane Harman, Mike Honda, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Brad Sherman, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Ted Stevens, Mike Thompson, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Don Nickles, Charles Spittal Robb, John Glenn, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Dan Glickman, George John Mitchell, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, PAC to the Future, PAC for a Change, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Max Baucus, John Bennett Johnston III, Zoe Lofgren
Michael S. Berman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Sam Farr, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Paul Wellstone, Charles Spittal Robb, Wendell Hampton Ford, John Glenn, Bill Bradley, John Wiley Bryant, Howell Thomas Heflin, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dan Glickman, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, George John Mitchell, Allan Byron Swift, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Robert William Kastenmeier, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, National Leadership PAC, AMERIPAC, PAC to the Future, Arizona State Democratic Central Executive Committee, KIDSPAC, Green Mountain PAC, Max Baucus, John Bennett Johnston III, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Robert Krueger, David L Boren
Jeffrey Katzenberg Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Sam Farr, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, George Miller, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Brad Sherman, Arlen Specter, Ed Towns, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Paul Wellstone, Charles Spittal Robb, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Bill Bradley, Sam Melville Gibbons, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Alan Simpson, Jack Bascom Brooks, George John Mitchell, Richard Swett, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Motion Picture Association of America Inc Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, John F Seymour, Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, David L Boren
Edgar Bronfman Jr Victor H Fazio, Spencer Abraham, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Chris Dodd, David Timothy Dreier, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bill Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Jim Sensenbrenner, Gordon Harold Smith, Ted Stevens, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Mark A Foley, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Paul Wellstone, Charles Spittal Robb, Bill Bradley, Sam Melville Gibbons, Bob Packwood, George John Mitchell, Richard Swett, Tom Downey, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, PAC to the Future, ORRINPAC, Longhorn PAC, Motion Picture Association of America Inc Political Action Committee, Green Mountain PAC, George H W Bush, Max Baucus, John W. Warner III
Stu Van Scoyoc Victor H Fazio, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John R Lewis, Richard Green Lugar, Ed Markey, John McCain, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Sheldon Whitehouse, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, Rob Portman, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Joseph Michael McDade, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Alan Simpson, Wyche Fowler Jr, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, National Leadership PAC, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Building Our Bases (Bobs) PAC, 1997 Republican Senate-House Dinner, Bart Gordon, Max Baucus, Robert Krueger, John W. Warner III, David L Boren
Bernice Manocherian Bob Kerrey, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Chris Dodd, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Judd Alan Gregg, Jane Harman, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Richard Green Lugar, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Jerry Nadler, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Ed Towns, Peter Welch, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Robert Takeo Matsui, Don Nickles, Paul Wellstone, Charles Spittal Robb, John Glenn, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Dan Glickman, George John Mitchell, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, National Leadership PAC, Robert Krueger
James E Smith Bob Kerrey, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, William D Delahunt, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Barney Frank, Elton W Gallegly, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Jesse L Jackson Jr, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Richard Green Lugar, Ed Markey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Howard P McKeon, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Jim Sensenbrenner, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, John S Tanner, Conrad Burns, William H Frist, Henry John Hyde, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Robert Takeo Matsui, Don Nickles, Dick Armey, Constance A Morella, Slade Gorton, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Joseph Michael McDade, Sam Melville Gibbons, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, George John Mitchell, Frank Annunzio, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bart Gordon, George H W Bush, Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Jim Moody, Jim Exon, John W. Warner III, David L Boren
Thomas A Davis Bob Kerrey, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Chris Dodd, Bob Goodlatte, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Judd Alan Gregg, Orrin Hatch, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Richard Green Lugar, Ed Markey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, George Miller, Bill Nelson, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John S Tanner, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mark A Foley, William H Frist, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Robert Takeo Matsui, Charles Spittal Robb, Thomas Michael Foglietta, Wendell Hampton Ford, Sam Melville Gibbons, Howell Thomas Heflin, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Alan Simpson, Michael J Kopetski, George John Mitchell, Tom Downey, Wyche Fowler Jr, Matthew John Rinaldo, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, ORRINPAC, Impact America, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), George H W Bush, Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Marty Russo, Robert Krueger, Bill Thomas, David L Boren
Ronald L Platt Don Riegle, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Chuck Grassley, Jane Harman, Orrin Hatch, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Ed Towns, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Don Nickles, Charles Spittal Robb, Bill Richardson, John Wiley Bryant, Sam Melville Gibbons, Bob Packwood, Larry Pressler, Peter William Barca, Jack Bascom Brooks, Michael J Kopetski, Tom Downey, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, National Leadership PAC, ORRINPAC, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Jim Moody, Robert Krueger, Bill Thomas, Jim Exon, David L Boren
Kate Moss Don Riegle, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Sam Farr, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Jerry Lewis, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, George Miller, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Brad Sherman, John S Tanner, Mike Thompson, Ed Towns, Peter Welch, Ron Wyden, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Robert Takeo Matsui, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Bill Richardson, John Wiley Bryant, Michael J Kopetski, Frank Annunzio, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, Bob Graham, AMERIPAC, Lone Star Fund, PAC to the Future, Patrick Raymond Casey, Bart Gordon, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), 21st Century Democrats, Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Zoe Lofgren
Steven M Champlin Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Eliot Engel, Sam Farr, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank, Jane Harman, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, George Miller, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, John S Tanner, Mike Thompson, Ed Towns, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Robert Takeo Matsui, Charles Spittal Robb, Bill Bradley, John Wiley Bryant, Sam Melville Gibbons, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, National Leadership PAC, AMERIPAC, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, Lone Star Fund, PAC to the Future, KIDSPAC, Bart Gordon, Green Mountain PAC, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Zoe Lofgren
Joel Jankowsky Victor H Fazio, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, John Conyers Jr, John Dingell, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, Mike Honda, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, George Miller, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Peter Welch, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Robert Takeo Matsui, Charles Spittal Robb, Wendell Hampton Ford, Bill Richardson, John Wiley Bryant, Peter William Barca, Jack Bascom Brooks, Dan Glickman, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, George John Mitchell, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, SECUREUS, Dedicated Americans for the Senate and House PAC, AMERIPAC, Dscc/Non-Fed Unincorp Assoc, Lone Star Fund, PAC to the Future, Bart Gordon, Will Pryor, Green Mountain PAC, Leadership in the New Century (Lincpac), Max Baucus, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Robert Krueger, Philip Michael Schiliro, David L Boren
Marshall A Brachman Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Wayne Allard, Robert Bennett, Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Eliot Engel, Sam Farr, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Judd Alan Gregg, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Nicholas V Lampson, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Jerry Lewis, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Mitch McConnell, Jerry Nadler, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Richard Shelby, Brad Sherman, Mike Thompson, David Wu, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, John Breaux, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Wendell Hampton Ford, Bill Richardson, Jack Bascom Brooks, George John Mitchell, Richard Swett, Wyche Fowler Jr, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, AMERIPAC, Bill Luther, Patrick Raymond Casey, Bart Gordon, Max Baucus, John Bennett Johnston III, Mike Synar, Bob Carr, Robert Krueger, Philip Michael Schiliro